Tuesday, February 16, 2010

FRONTLINE: digital_nation Life on the Vitual Frontier

This was a great program! Frontine explored some of the implications of living in a world consumed by technology and the impact that this constant connectivity may have on future generations.

One segement showed how IBM employees collaborate in virtual worlds. I never would have thought of using Second Life as a tool collaboration but it seems to work. Take a look inside a meeting in Second Life.

The implcations on education are just as intriguing. Ever heard of Netiquette?
how to educate children for the digital age

This is a must see for anyone interested in Technology. If you have a chance watch these interviews.


  1. Trey - it is great that you have brought about the term "netiquette". I give presentations on UA campus about the need for students to adjust the standard etiquette rules to accomodate the everchanging technological advances - into a new age netiquette. It is generally well received and gets many laughs - because I point out things they do that really deserves a laugh!

  2. This is an excellent posting and invitation to elicit responses, Trey. Are you making this an open blog later? I hope so; there are many to whom I would refer this blog. Good job. Doc
