Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A few interesting uses of Twitter

People are always telling me that they just don't understand the facination with Twitter. What's the big deal? Do you really want to know what someone is doing 24/7? Twitter can do a lot more than you might expect and there are plently of practical and fun uses for Twitter.

A PC magazine articule listed some of these of the pratical uses such as Twitter Witness = Twitness "turns something solitary like TV watching into an interactive, shared experience", Breaking News, Communication, Feedback, Crowd-sourcing, Informal Polling, Public Address System, Sales and Marketing and Tweet Ups aka "Meet Ups".

I prefer some of the less pratical uses like when I need to flip a coin and I don't have any change? Well there is an app for that: http://jazzychad.net/rollthedice/ Sometimes I just want to talk like a pirate? http://postlikeapirate.com/twitter.php

There are also useful apps out there too This one tweets you when yout package moves. Just enter a FedEx or UPS tracking number. https://twitter.com/TrackThis When I am late for work and need realtime traffic updates? http://www.commuterfeed.com/ Here are some services allows you to enter reminders and will tweet you so you don't forget: http://www.rememberthemilk.com/services/ http://twitter.com/timer

Twitter has devious uses as well. There are even DUI Check point Tweets. (http://www.whtm.com/news/stories/0110/698397.html)

Twitter can be valuable tool if you make the most out of it.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this post, Trey, especially the one about the DUI checkpoints (JUST KIDDING). For a long time I couldn't make the connection with what is going on with Twitter, but study, observations, and companions who are with me in the IIT program the University of Alabama (ROLL TIDE!!) the possibilities and opportunities presented on Twitter are becoming more apparent and relevant!
