Thursday, March 11, 2010

Social Media Sleuth Yikes!

It appears that the days of anonymously surfing the internet are gone. Sure its easy to set up a Skype, Twitter, MySpace, Facebook or Gmail account under a fake name but soon law enforcement will be able to connect different pieces of information to the same person to discover your identity. Narus, the company that bought us NarusInsight the software that analyze traffic on IP networks used to wiretap customer data on behalf of the U.S. National Security Agency as part of a U.S. domestic terrorist surveillance program, has now created the internet version called Hone. "The software's user creates a target profile, and Hone then proceeds to link what Nucci calls 'islands of information.'" Hone can analyze VOIP conversations and uses artificial intelligence to analyze e-mails and can link mails to different accounts.

The interesting part about Hone is the AI (artificial intelligence). Hone uses topical analysis, as it sifts through millions of profiles and organizes them in topics and it can even can trace the location of someone using a mobile device such as a laptop or phone.